Business Partners

Making a holistic impact on the health of patients worldwide requires us to work with partners across the healthcare value chain. From other pharmaceutical companies, doctors, healthcare professionals, hospitals, distribution networks and retailers, we work with all of them always keeping the end consumer – the patient at the center of all we do. We focus on our partners with a high-value strategic mindset and who place a premium on quality, compliance and relationships.

Business Partners

Ensuring a continuous supply, remaining cost-competitive and guaranteeing highest quality are vital to provide affordable medicines to patients worldwide. To achieve this, we work with business partners in various ways across the value chain. We emphasize fair, transparent and ethical practices and seek partners who share the same commitment towards compliance with laws, regulations, published standards and environmental practices.If you’re interested in partnering with Dr. Reddy’s, we’d love to hear of your products and services. Please do register with us.

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R&D Partners

Research and development is at the heart of all we do for patients. As an R&D driven organization focused on innovation, we understand the value of shared knowledge and leveraged skills. This is why we actively seek out partnerships and collaboration within the industry that can help us successfully make high quality and affordable medicines. Our R&D efforts have been leveraging external partnerships for one or more parts of the value chain – development, manufacturing or both. Currently we work with nearly 50 partners spread across the world, with the three major clusters being USA, Western Europe and India. We partner with organizations, which complement our strengths in development and/or manufacturing.If there’s something that we could help you with, please do post your query.

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